St. Nicholas Greek Orthodox Church
Officiating Priest — Father Philotheos Allison
Sunday Schedule Services
Orthros — Matins 9:00 am
Divine Liturgy 10:30 am
Program for Christmas, Great Lent & Easter
Prepared Monthly
Sacrament such as
Baptisms, Weddings,
Holy Confessions.
All available by appointment
Our Mission
The Mission of St.Nicholas Greek Orthodox Church is to be the living witness of Jesus Christ - keeping & proclaiming the Orthodox Christian Faith, and sanctifying the faithful through God's grace by celebrating the Divine Liturgy and the Sacraments. Through outreach, witness, & Christian love for one another, and with the guidance by the Holy Spirit, we will fulfill the commission of Jesus Christ and 'therefore we intend to grow in faith, fellowship, mission & numbers. (Acts 2:42-47)'